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Writer's pictureDeborah Burgoon London

A Lucky Horseshoe

Grandpa Clark
Grandpa Clark

Seems an appropriate day to honor a symbol that was passed down to me. It was my Grandpa Clark's. I don't have many tangible things of his, but my memories of him are more valuable than things. He passed away when I was 13 years old. That would be 40 years ago. However, his image is as vivid as if I saw him yesterday. He was raised a quiet Nebraska farm boy. Big in stature but short on words. He didn't say much, he just grinned and grunted. The one thing he did say often was "don't tell your Grandmother". He used to call me "Frecks" because of all my freckles and sometimes "Half Pint". I loved him very much. He trusted me to try things beyond my years, like drive his Lincoln down the road or operate his treasured Wheel Horse. He was a gentle soul with a haunted heart. He served in World War II and was awarded a Purple Heart. Twice he was shot on two separate occasions. Once in the backside and once in the lung. In WWII they patched you up and sent you back out. We will never know the horrors that wartime brought to him since he never talked about it. It just was not something that the men of the Greatest Generation did. They just kept on keeping on. Being Father's Day, I felt it a good time to celebrate his Lucky Horseshoe. When my Grandparent's home was sold, I took the Horseshoe that once hung above his carport. For years we hung it in our home. In 2016 after our house fire, the Lucky Horseshoe went missing! We searched and searched but could not find it. This fall my husband and I were counting on a few stars to align as we began a new journey. We were looking to sell my business, buy some land and maybe win a few coins at the Casino. The morning before we headed out of State, my husband randomly came across the Lucky Horseshoe in our basement. Goodness! It was a sign that with patients and faith we were headed down the right path. We put the Lucky Horseshoe under the seat of our car and headed off on a seven day journey that has been the beginning of a new chapter for us. The business sold, the land was purchased and we even won a bit at the Casino. Lucky Horseshoes have seven nail holes to represent good luck and should always face upright to hold the Luck in. I should have known these past five years that the Lucky Horseshoe would be found, because one reason that the Iron Horseshoe is thought to be so magical is that it can withstand fire. So for me it is magical for two reasons, it came from my Grandpa and it helped set us up for a magical journey. So as you head into this Father's Day, whether you are honoring a living Father figure or a spirit Father figure remember all the magical things their example taught you. Happy Father’s Day to My Dad who taught me to be grateful for what I do have instead of focusing on what I don’t have. Happy Father's Day to Dad's. What are your Lucky treasured Father’s Day Memories? Head back to the Home page Join My Blog and receive new post updates and visit the main menu to read past post of Positivity!

The Lucky Horseshoe
The Lucky Horseshoe


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