This Shield is a cautionary, yet inspirational tale about a family spoon passed down through generations. It traveled from my Ancestor's table setting to my little pinky finger. I wear it nearly everyday as a protective Shield. It's Shield helps to protect against those who bring negative energy or those that try to tempt behavior that is less than noble. Because let's be honest, life is full of moments that test our integrity. Lord knows I am no exception, as I do stand back and check myself often! This ring is called a Burgoon Ring. Simple reason, it has Burgoon inscribed on it. Back in the days of President Hayes, my Great Great Grandfather Isadore, was not only part of the President's circle, but he was a very successful and wealthy railroad man. In my possession is an entire scrapbook of articles from this time period documenting his accomplishments. This ring when worn makes one feel as though they can accomplish, dream, be proud, hold your head up high,.. never waiver. However, one Man's hard work and determination can become another generation's curse and become their weakness. The next generation of Burgoon's was born with a Sterling Silver Spoon. The money that built up one generation, broke the next. Literally! I share this as not to disparage my heritage, because I think we can all agree that our lineage is peppered with lessons we can learn from. As gifts to us, they show us how to use our smarts and how to waste them. If we are smart we will study them, learn from them and hopefully repeat the successes and not the failures. Great Grandfather was a Pastor. Sounds noble, right? Well the profession may be, but the man was not. He was entitled. He took the money earned by the sweat of his Father and had a joyous time while hiding behind his Religion. If I understand correctly, he had a fondness for unsavory things that cost lots of money. So by the time my Grandfather was a man, the family fortune was gone. This tale teaches us never to be entitled or squander what is given to us. Always work hard, have integrity, provide for ourselves. When your head hits the pillow at night be content knowing that you have earned your way in this life and it was not handed to you. Pride is a good thing when it motivates one to be self sufficient. This ring engraved with flowers, which I believe is another sign that it was meant for me, passed from dining tables to a pinky finger helps guide me...keeps me in line! This peace of Silver once helped feed people's bellies now helps feed my soul. In a way it's story is about a family's rising, falling and then rising again. Rising through sheer grit and pride. Grit my Grandma passed down to the next generations. Maybe not with monetary wealth, but the kind that matters.. wealth of the heart and spirit. I am grateful for it each and every day. What heirloom do you treasure? Head back to the Home page to Join My Blog and receive new post updates and visit the main menu to read past post of Positivity!
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